Unique hand tied bouquets in a dazzling array of colours, scents and packaging. All roses are grown in our Dorset rose field, meaning no carbon footprint, no air miles and your roses can be left in the garden where they belong!

Order one of our popular jam jar hand tied bouquets in a stylish gift box for £20, including delivery within 10 miles of Bridport, Dorset. Our roses are grown in our Dorset rose field and freshly picked the night before delivery and conditioned. Rose hues can be mixed or just one hue and arranged with other seasonal plants from the garden such as sweet pea, alchemilla mollis, lavender, mint and rosemary.

From November to May we use other scented flowers from the garden such as narcissus and hyacinths, so we are able to offer a service all year round.

As roses supplied are seasonal, colours and rose variety may vary depending on what is available at the time of order, but we are happy to discuss your requirements.